Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Behind the scenes at Pine Creek High School Firefighter Staging Area

I will post some awesome videos/pics on our Facebook page, but HERE is all we did yesterday morning from 6 am-9 am (this is the CONDENSED version)...

Sunday night after the shift change at Pine Creek High School, Rich Harvey personally asked me to attend the briefing at 0600 the next morning at PCHS so he could introduce me to the firefighters...what I DIDN'T know was that he was going to have me speak in front of HUNDREDS of firefighters/supervisors/his fire crew and say a few words to them. I wound up crying because I found a lot of other Firefighters were crying because they were so touched when I had told them all of the things the community has been doing for them, and how appreciative we were...

THEN the really cool stuff happened: While I was giving away wristbands to the firefighters (I did NOT charge them anything or even imply I wanted money) they were literally FORCING money in my hands and BEGGING me to donate their money BACK TO THE COMMUNITY!! In total, they donated $318 TO THE VICTIMS OF THE FIRE. If they weren't amazing enough...

After that, we got a personal tour of Pine Creek and every single station, where it was set up, etc... and PC students, I took a video of some of the tour so you could see what was happening in some of your classrooms!

We ended our morning with coffee with Seth from the Colorado Black Forest Fire 2013 facebook page (we invited him to come with us), and we even wound up spit-balling ideas about maybe partnering up in the future. It has was AMAZING and it was all before 9:30 a.m.!


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